Friday, June 22, 2012

Little introduction.

     My first blog ever! I feel  t's bout time I get it going. I am 19 and 

a student at Upper Iowa University. I am my own boss and I write 

from the heart. When I'm hurt I express my feelings in form of 

words (cliche right?). It's summer and time to go out there and 

experience new things, have lots of fun, take risks and fall in love 

and it's okay to cry when mistakes are made, but never have regrets 

and go into "self-pity" mode. Instead, forgive yourself and heal by 

letting go of the hurt and get ice-cream to cool you off ( lols trust 

me it works :).  I hope all shared here will be helpful to someone out 

there. *Chao y'all* :)